DIED, Two Sumatran Elephants By Ksatria Prawiranegara, Year 6, Sekolah Cikal

DIED, Two Sumatran Elephants By Ksatria Prawiranegara, Year 6, Sekolah Cikal

Reading time : 40 seconds

Two Sumatran elephants were found dead in North Sumatra the authority and the local villager found them near Mount Leuser national park. They found the elephant's body on 10 April 2022 the elephant was hunted illegally by hunters. The species are critically endangered there is only 1200-2400 elephant left in the world.

Perhaps, we can donate money to the experts so we can help the elephant by stopping hunting. When the elephant was found dead, it was just there for months. The Sumatran elephant was hunted illegally by hunters and it caused habitat loss.

“Life is ten per cent what happens to you and ninety per cent how you respond to it..”

- Charles Swindoll-

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