Program Groups Primary Years Sekolah Cikal
There are, generally, 18 Program Groups in Sekolah Cikal. Every program group focuses on 3-5 dimensions throughout the learning objectives.
Every student must choose a minimum of one program from each program group, ensuring that every student gets 14 dimensions of exposure in each academic year.
Below are the program groups at Primary Years Sekolah Cikal :
1. Personal And Social Education (PSPE)
PSPE is integral to teaching and learning and is embodied Cikal 5 Stars Competencies that permeates the programme and represents the qualities of internationally-minded students and effective lifelong learners. As lifelong learners, we strive to make sense of our lives and the world around us by constructing meaning, exploring concepts and revising understandings.
Lifelong learners adopt a positive attitude to learning, develop and apply strategies for critical and creative thinking, engage in inquiry, make connections, and apply new learning and skills in different contexts.
In order to become successful learners, it is necessary for students to feel empowered by their learning, to value and take responsibility for their learning, to demonstrate resilience and to develop independence. Such learners are able to reflect on themselves, their experiences, and the process of learning in order to support personal growth and their ongoing commitment to personal, social and physical well-being.
Focused Dimension: Balanced, Reflective, Cooperative, Self-Reliant, Open-Minded
Example of the program: PSE, Peer Mediator, Students Librarian, Student Council, Leadership In ..., etc
2. Religion Studies Sekolah Cikal respects the needs of its learners to develop the comprehension of their beliefs and to practice the values of these beliefs in their day-to-day activities in school. Religion education has also become important in the school as its distinctive contribution to a balanced and broadly-based school curriculum, which may promote the spiritual, moral, social, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils and of society and prepare learners for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life. In the secondary level, religion as a program to learn gives an enormous contribution to learners’ personal development and well-being and to community cohesion by promoting mutual respect and tolerance in a diverse society. It may encourage learners to develop their sense of identity and belonging. It enables them to flourish individually within their communities and as citizens in a diverse society and global community. This program also has an important role in preparing learners for adult life, employment and lifelong learning. It enables them to develop respect for and sensitivity to others, in particular, those whose faiths and beliefs are different from their own. It promotes discernment and enables pupils to combat prejudice. Focused Dimension: Intelligent, Communicative, Innovative Example of the program: Religion (based on students’ religion) Studies, Religion and Mass Media, Islamic Public Speaking, etc. 3. Mathematics Mathematics is viewed primarily as a vehicle to support inquiry, providing a global language through which we make sense of the world around us. It is intended that students become competent users of the language of mathematics, and can begin to use it as a way of thinking, as opposed to seeing it as a series of facts and equations to be memorized. The power of mathematics for describing and analyzing the world around us is such that it has become a highly effective tool for solving problems. Wherever possible, mathematics should be taught through the relevant, realistic context of the units of inquiry. The direct teaching of mathematics in a unit of inquiry may not always be feasible but, where appropriate, prior learning or follow-up activities may be useful to help students make connections between the different aspects of the curriculum. Students also need opportunities to identify and reflect on “big ideas” within and between the different strands of mathematics, the programmed of inquiry and other subject areas. There are five strands of mathematics—data handling, measurement, shape and space, pattern and function, and number. For each of the strands, there is a strand description and a set of overall expectations. The overall expectations provide a summary of the understandings and subsequent learning being developed for each phase within a strand. The content of each continuum has been organized into four phases of development, with each phase building upon and complementing the previous phase. The continuums make explicit the conceptual understandings that need to be developed at each phase. Evidence of these understandings is described in the behaviours or learning outcomes associated with each phase and these learning outcomes relate specifically to mathematical concepts, knowledge and skills. The learning outcomes have been written to reflect the stages a learner goes through when developing conceptual understanding in mathematics—constructing meaning, transferring meaning into symbols and applying with understanding. Focused Dimension: Intelligent, Communicative, Innovative Examples of the program: Mathematics, Standard Mathematics, Extended Mathematics, Mathematics for Science, Mathematics for Social Studies, IGCSE Math, etc. 4. Science Science is viewed as the exploration of the biological, chemical and physical aspects of the natural world, and the relationships between them. Our understanding of science is constantly changing and evolving. The inclusion of science within the learning unit leads learners to an appreciation and awareness of the world as it is viewed from a scientific perspective. It encourages curiosity and ingenuity and enables the student to develop an understanding of the world. Reflection on scientific knowledge also helps students to develop a sense of responsibility regarding the impact of their actions on themselves, others and their world. The science component should be characterized by concepts and skills rather than by content. However, schools should ensure that the breadth and balance of science content is covered through the units of inquiry. The knowledge component of science is arranged into four strands: living things, Earth and space, materials and matter, and forces and energy. Focused Dimension: Intelligent, Communicative, Caring Examples of the program: Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Young Scientist, Environmental System and Societies, etc. 5. Social Studies This program encourages learners to respect and understand the world around them, and to equip them with the necessary skills to inquire into historical, contemporary, geographical, political, social, economic, religious, technological and cultural factors, which may have an impact on individuals, societies and environments. Social studies encourage learners to constantly consider both local and global perspective when approaching any information or learning materials. Generally, in-class learners collect, describe and analyse data used in the studies of societies, test hypotheses, and learn how to interpret complex information into relevant current situations. Focused Dimension: Intelligent, Communicative, Reflective Examples of the program: Social Studies, Individual and Societies, Life in A City, History, Governance & Democracy, Geography, Phenomics, etc. 6. Physical and Health Education (PHE) Physical and Health Education (PHE) is a program that focuses on developing physical fitness and the ability to perform and enjoy day-to-day physical activities with ease. Regular physical education classes prepare kids to be physically and mentally active, fit, and healthy into adulthood. The “health” part of the program shows how the benefits of regular exercise and healthy food choices along with the risks of inactivity and poor diet, is an important variables in the PHE curriculum. Students of all ages might be asked to dedicate themselves to making a few small improvements in diet and exercise for a period of six weeks. They would be expected to journal about how they feel during the process and reflect on how these changes affect performance and mood. Not only that, but PHE also helps students develop social skills. For example, team sports help them learn to respect others, contribute to a team goal, and socialize as a productive member of a team. Focused Dimension: Healthy, Cooperative, Self-Reliant, Balanced, Intelligent. Examples of the program: PHE, Health in Me, Funletics, Zumba, etc. 7. Arts The Arts hold a significant role to facilitate and stimulate learners’ imaginations, challenge their perceptions and develop their creative and analytical skills as well as their nurture their artistic talents. Involvement in lessons may encourage students to understand the arts in context and the cultural histories of artworks, supporting the development of an inquiring and empathetic world view. Arts may as well challenge and enrich personal identity and build awareness of the aesthetic in a real-world context. Focused Dimension: Intelligent, Innovative, Open-Minded Examples of the program: Music, Visual Arts, Drama, Dance, Stage Production, Art & Craft, Computer Graphic, Film Making, Digital Illustration, etc. 8. Language Groups Language is involved in all learning that goes on in a school, in both the affective and effective domains. Learners listen, talk, read and write their way to negotiating new meanings and understanding new concepts. Literacy, including oral and visual literacy as well as the ability to read and write, becomes increasingly important as greater demands are placed on learners as participants in the learning process. The language provides a vehicle for inquiry. In an inquiry-based classroom, teachers and students enjoy using language, appreciating it both functionally and aesthetically. Focused Dimension: Intelligent, Communicative, Reflective Examples of the program: English Acquisition, English Literature, Bahasa Indonesia Acquisition, Bahasa Indonesia Literature, Creative Writing, Korean, German, etc. 9. Service-Learning Service Learning is characteristically a form of experiential learning where learners are given the opportunity to integrate community service with the structured learning taking place in the classroom in order to enrich their learning experiences of the course material. Service-Learning activities and programs are delivered through the connection to certain academic courses and through the service-learning community. In Sekolah Cikal, Service-Learning program is commonly known as Cikal Aksi-Aksi. It commits to any community service actions that have sustainable impacts and tend to go beyond just a superficial action such as giving donations or volunteering. It is ought to provide learners with challenges to enhance the level of critical thinking and creativity in offering plausible solutions. Focused Dimension: Caring, Reflective, Impactful Leading Example of the program: Cikal Aksi-Aksi 10. Culminating Projects The Culminating Project is an opportunity to undertake a major piece of rigorous, original work in an area of great interest and personal relevance to the learners. Culminating Projects are self-motivating experiences that the learners are interested in, even passionate about. The project is culminating in the sense that it brings together the learners’ skills and knowledge in carrying out a significant piece of self-directed learning. Focused Dimension: Innovation, Action-Oriented, Reflective, Caring Examples of the program: CP 6, Exhibition, Personal Project, CP 9, Extended Essay, CP 12 11. Design Design cycle as a thinking process is used as a way to structure inquiry and analysis of problems, development of feasible solutions, the creation of solutions, and testing and evaluation the student’s solution for the design problem. In Design, solutions can be models, prototypes, products or systems that students have developed and created independently. Cikal uses Design program to ensure students to have creative confidence in their abilities to adapt and respond to new challenges. Are able to identify and develop innovative, creative solutions to problems they and others encounter. Focused Dimension: Intelligent, Action-Oriented, Innovative Examples of the program: Design 7, Design 8, Design 9 --- To know more about the rest of the programs, please contact us through the number below : Sekolah Cikal Amri Setu : (+62) 811-1156-599 Sekolah Cikal Lebak Bulus : (+62) 818-902-571 Sekolah Cikal Serpong : (+62) 811-9522-080 Sekolah Cikal Surabaya : (+62) 815-7595-7599