Based on the recent development of the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak in Indonesia, Sekolah Cikal sets these followings as a precaution to prevent the spread of COVID-19:
- Administering body temperature checking of all students, teachers, staff and any visitors entering school premises
- Opening classroom windows periodically to ensure air circulation and before AC is turned on
- Conducting regular general cleaning of all school facilities including chemical and natural disinfectants.
- Encouraging hygienic hand washing routines for everyone.
- Allocating hand sanitizer to be used effectively in areas such as school lobby, canteens, classrooms, and other common areas.
- Ensuring the use of masks for those who are showing any influenza symptoms, including coughing and sneezing.
Aside from that, Sekolah Cikal has also decided to minimize contact in public events as one of the precautionary steps in avoiding the spread of infectious disease. Therefore, all additional events/programs/activities on March 2 -8, 2020 are, either cancelled or rescheduled as an online activity using the platform
We wish you did not easily get panic and keep healthy and safe.
With love,